Professional Business Network is a select group of industry professionals who believe that referrals are the best source of potential clients and that by actively introducing you to the people we know and meeting the people you know, we will all increase our frequency of qualified referrals.
Like many networking groups we do require exclusivity of industry such as one accountant, one attorney, one banker, etc.
But here is where we are different. To be able to provide really qualified referrals, first we sincerely get to know the members of PBN, not only what they do professionally, but we know what community activities they are involved in, what hobbies they are interested in, and who they would consider to be a significant client.
We want to get to know them better so that we can make the best recommendation. We also inform the referral, that our PBN group member will be calling so that there is already an introduction.
Wouldn’t you rather receive a referral from a trusted friend or associate rather than calling out of the blue?
If you are a successful business professional who is tired of cold calling and are looking for a new way to generate high quality referrals, Professional Business Network (PBN) is for you – it’s networking with a plan!
The old saying is true…it is who you know!
Click here to contact The Professional Business Network, or Click here to see a list of members.